Listen to I'm On Fire Amongst one of the most diverse and wide-ranging back catalogues to ever exist, ‘I’m On Fire’ sticks out like the subtlest of sore thumbs within Bruce Springsteen’s arsenal of fire-powered rock and roll hits. Released in February 1985, it was the fourth single to be taken from the wonderful ‘Born in the USA’. Peaking at number five in the UK Singles Charts, it is a brooding, lustful pine to a female that is out of bounds. Even on a record as bombastic as ‘Born in the USA’, it is ‘I’m On Fire’ which lingers far longer in the memory than the more obvious ear worms like the title track or ‘Dancing in The Dark’. Springsteen has always captured the insecurity behind male bravado with a knowing ease but has not done so before or since more perfectly than ‘I’m On Fire’. For all the braggadocio (“Can he do to you the things that I do? I can take you higher”), he still subtly admits his insecurity and incapacity to do anything about it (“At ni...
"Certain songs get scratched into our souls." - Craig Finn.